慕尼黑豪華飯店住宿的平均價格是每晚NT$9,815。 而我們找到最便宜的豪華飯店住宿優惠則是每晚NT$3,017。 慕尼黑柯雷思公寓式酒店 is the cheapest 豪華飯店 in the city based on our data.
How do prices at 豪華飯店 compare to other hotels in 慕尼黑?
豪華飯店 in 慕尼黑 will likely cost you more money than booking other hotels in the city. You should expect to pay NT$9,815 per night if you are looking to book a 豪華飯店 in the city of 慕尼黑. Typically, a 慕尼黑 hotel will go for NT$2,820/night.
Are there good 豪華飯店 near 慕尼黑中央火車站?
Of all the 豪華飯店 near 慕尼黑中央火車站, there are 8 that are considered to be above average quality (3 Star rating or higher). Expect to pay a nightly rate of NT$11,478 when staying at 豪華飯店 within a 2 mile radius of 慕尼黑中央火車站. Consider looking at 蓋澤爾超越酒店, Rosewood Munich, and 慕尼黑房客酒店- 傲途格精選酒店 when visiting the area. Those hotels are the cheapest 豪華飯店 near 慕尼黑中央火車站.